Thursday, May 7, 2009

Help needed to change law to exclude youth-model motorcycles and ATVs Change the Law to Exclude Youth-Model Motorcycles and ATVs

Write your Representatives Today!

The Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) has voted to stay enforcement of the Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act of 2008 (CPSIA) that currently bans the sale of youth-model motorcycles and all-terrain vehicles (ATVs). The stay, which extends through May 1, 2011, follows a unanimous vote by Acting Chairman Nancy Nord and Commissioner Thomas Moore.

AMA Fails Youth Riders, Turns to Motorcyclists for Direct Lobbying Efforts

AMA Fails Youth Riders, Turns to Motorcyclists for Direct Lobbying Efforts

While we applaud the CPSC commissioners' vote to stay enforcement of the law, this does not solve the real issue, which is the law itself. Despite the stay, it is unclear whether state attorneys general will also decline to enforce the CPSIA. The sale of youth-model motorcycles and ATVs is still technically illegal. Even though a stay means that dealers would not be subject to fines or penalties imposed by the CPSC, state attorneys general would still be able to prosecute violators if they chose to do so. Youth-model motorcycles and ATVs should be exempt from the law, and Congress needs to act to make that happen.

Motorcyclists and ATV riders need to let Congress know that we are concerned about the law, and that we want youth-model OHVs excluded from the law. We need your help to let our lawmakers know how we feel. Riders should contact their Representatives and ask them to support H.R. 1587, introduced by Rep. Denny Rehberg, to exempt youth-sized motorcycles and ATVs from the CPSIA.

You can find contact information for your elected officials on, click on "Rights," then "Issues & Legislation," and enter your zip code in the "Find your Officials" box. Additionally, a prewritten e-mail is available for you to send to your Representative immediately by following the "Take Action" option and entering your information.

For more ways you can help to exclude youth-model motorcycles and ATVs from the CPSIA or for more information about the issue, click here. Please write or call your Representative today and ask them to support H.R. 1587 to exclude youth-model motorcycles and ATVs from the CPSIA lead content requirements.

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