Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Yamaha V-Max stars in new Ghost Rider movie

General news
 17 January 2012 16:28
Yamaha’s 200bhp V-Max is the two-wheeled star of the new Ghost Rider movie due out shortly, replacing the custom Harley-Davidson that featured in the original film.
The sequel, Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance, stars Nicolas Cage as the motorcycle-riding, spontaneously combusting anti-hero, Johnny Blaze who is still struggling with the curse of being the Devil’s bounty hunter.
This time he’s aboard a V-Max and is recruited by a secret sect to save a young boy from the devil, which could be Blaze’s chance to rid himself of the curse forever.
Blaze’s V-Max is customised to look charred and burnt as if newly emerged from hell. The prop bike, seen here, was recently displayed at the 2011 Comic Con exhibition in San Diego, with the caption ‘He rides again’.
The nature of some of the stunts, however, means that in some scenes disguised Kawasaki KX motocross bikes are used.
Directed by Brian Taylor and Mark Neveldine (of CRANK fame), some of the shots required cameramen on rollerskates being towed behind bikes with hand held cameras.
It opens in cinemas in 3D on February 17.
For more information, go

1 comment:

Motorcycle Cable said...

V-Max is very nice sport bike which is manufacturing by the Yamaha. The design of this bike is awesome. The Ghost Rider movie star Nicolas Cage use this bike on its movie.