Friday, February 4, 2011

Tie Downs CBR
FMF soft touch tie downs are high end quality made tie downs that will provide an impressive new way of strapping down your bikes that any motorcycle owner can appreciate after using the standard tie downs available on the market.
The task of loading a motorcycle into a vehicle or trailer can be easy or a nightmare, depending on if a rider has the right tools for the job. FMF Racing lends a hand with its FMF soft touch tie downs. This simple tie down system will help riders transport any type of motorcycle, dirt or street. The soft touch tie Down is a definite upgrade compared to the standard tie down found at the local dealer or general merchandise store.

FMF soft touch tie downs are built from thick 1.5 inch-wide body nylon that measures seven feet in length from carabiner to hook ends. The anchor end of the strap has an aluminum carabiner clip that secures the strap into place and prevents it from slipping off the vehicle or trailer cargo mount. On the other end, the nylon soft hook attachment slips around the handlebar or triple clamp securing the motorcycle and preventing any metal to metal contact. FMF tie downs can stabilize various vehicle types ranging from small pit bikes to large machinery such as snow mobiles. The tie downs come dressed in FMF’s traditional red and yellow colors making them easy to identify. Another feature that FMF has built into the tie down is a label area on the wide body nylon strap that can be tagged with any permanent marker, preventing your buddies from taking them home as their own.

Using the tie downs comes easy and is identical in function to standard tie downs. The first step is to anchor the carabiner to the cargo mount in your vehicle or trailer simply by locking the carbiner into place, no more slipping hooks or steady pressure to keep the hook secured to the cargo mount while trying to get the other end attached. Standard tie downs don’t have the luxury of locking into position and can cause many frustrations when trying to manipulate a motorcycle into place without losing the grip on the tie down. Dirt bike or ATV owners can load up and take advantage of the soft hook option by running the strap around the handlebars. The nylon holds tight and resists slipping as mush as the metal hook, so no need to worry about messing up brake housings or throttles. Tying down from the triple clamp means not having to use a canyon dancer, or other less convenient anchor points, thus reducing the risk of broken controls.

Overall the FMF Soft Touch Tie Downs are a must have for someone who transports motorcycles. FMF has developed a masterful tie down that relieves many of the struggles encountered using standard tie downs and gives you that extra confidence in knowing your motorcycle is firmly secured. No more tinkering with hooks that come off the cargo mounts and no more scratches or dings on your handlebars. FMF tie downs are simple, durable and pure quality, making them a smart buy for any motorcycle owner.

The FMF Soft Touch Tie Downs are available at FMF Racing and retail for $29.95.

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